- Press Release
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Connectria Wins 2020 IBM Business Unit Excellence Award at IBM Think
May 5, 2020

St. Louis, MO – May 5, 2020
Connectria, a global provider of managed cloud services and cloud hosting, was awarded a 2020 IBM Business Unit Excellence Award at IBM Think 2020. Announced today, Connectria was awarded the IBM Excellence Award for “IBM Systems Technology Service Provider (TSP) Excellence in Service Provider Performance Results” — during the first-ever virtual IBM Think conference. IBM’s Excellence Awards recognize the stellar performance of IBM Business Partners who have demonstrated excellence and drive exceptional client experiences and business growth.
This new Business Unit Excellence Award recognizes Connectria as the most outstanding IBM Business Partner as a result of the demonstrated success in its service provider business model while delivering superior performance results in 2019. “Being named as IBM’s largest service provider in North America is a tremendous honor which demonstrates the overwhelming success of Connectria’s IBM i and IBM AIX cloud solutions,” said Rich Waidmann, Connectria President and CEO.
Business Unit Excellence Awards
Each year, the IBM Business Unit Excellence Awards program recognizes IBM Business Partners delivering stand-out results to help drive business value and transform the way clients and industries operate. “Connectria is honored to receive recognition from IBM for the Business Unit Excellence Award,” said Rusty Putzler, Connectria VP & COO. “Connectria’s ability to deliver mission-critical workloads in hybrid cloud infrastructure utilizing IBM’s enterprise-grade solutions has helped grow Connectria’s Global Power Systems Cloud to the largest in North America and third largest worldwide. Coupled with its world-class managed services, IBM and Connectria continue to drive digital transformation for enterprise customers of all sizes.”
Connectria and IBM
Connectria was selected based on set criteria established by IBM’s Systems Technology Service Providers Business Unit. This award showcases its alignment with a strategic portfolio area within IBM including Connectria’s Green Cloud initiative that has dramatically reduced deployment times while supporting IBM’s ongoing commitment to sustainability. Ultimately, it acknowledges the exceptional work of Connectria’s team in providing business value and industry success with IBM Systems Technology Service Providers.
About Connectria
Founded in 1996, Connectria has been ranked 17-times as a Best Place to Work and provides award-winning cloud hosting, cloud managed services, cloud security, and cloud management software for more than 1,000 customers worldwide. Connectria was the first HIPAA compliant managed hosting company and the first company to deliver HIPAA and PCI compliance in AWS and Azure. Connectria is the largest IBM i (AS/400) cloud provider in North America. Through the addition of WSM in 2019, Connectria has become a leader in providing cloud migration and transformation services for organizations of all sizes.
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